The Hongkong Prize and Xplorer Prize

The Hongkong Prize () is a science and technology innovation award sponsored by The Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. The prize is a recognition of outstanding researchers who have made significant contributions to the development and transformation of scientific research.

The prizes are awarded by an independent review panel consisting of distinguished scholars and experts from Hong Kong, Mainland China, and overseas. The panel will make objective evaluations by assessing candidates’ scientific and technological innovation achievements, their applications, and the social or economic value created. The winners will be honoured at an annual award ceremony with representatives from The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the sponsoring enterprise. Many celebrities will also be invited as officiating guests.

Prize winnings are paid out as lump sums of cash and/or HK$500,000 worth of electronic vouchers, with the remainder being used for a variety of taxes and purposes. Ticket price is a major source of income for the Prize Fund, which is deducted from all bets and redirected to various funds and taxation schemes. The Prize Fund is an important component of a sustainable gambling industry, generating substantial revenues for the Government and various taxes, and providing benefits to the community.

Since its inception, the Prize has attracted wide support and enthusiastic nominations from universities, researchers, and innovative enterprises. In addition, renowned scholars and experts from Hong Kong and abroad are invited every year to be members of the Review Committee and Compliance Oversight Team. Their contributions have made a great contribution to the success of The Hongkong Prize.

The Board of The Hongkong Prize is responsible for the overall planning and management of the Prize. Its core functions include: interpreting and suggesting important scientific research fields to be included in the Prize; appointing the Review Committee and Compliance Oversight Team; setting the requirements of nominating experts, and verifying and approving the final review results.

The Xplorer Prize is supported by the Founder of Tencent Foundation Pony Ma and aims to encourage young scientists in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to explore new and unexplored areas of fundamental sciences and frontier technologies, to further enhance their research skills, independence, creativity and innovation potential. The first Xplorer Forum was held in November 2023, bringing together Shaw Laureates and distinguished scientists with over 200 young participants for a week of world-class intellectual seminars, discussion groups, poster sessions, visits to Hong Kong’s latest scientific research projects, as well as cross-cultural social activities.